Painting with Light

This assignment was a challenge but I definitely think that I learned a lot. It felt very different than almost every other assignment I've had in photo-j. The idea of creating rather than documenting was fun but also challenging; I was responsible for every little detail and speck of light. Carefulness and attention to detail are definitely not my biggest strengths as a photographer, but this assignment help me to be more meticulous and methodical in my work.

8 minutes and 17 seconds at f/9, ISO 200
The exposure consisted of three flashes from Colleen's strobe and three drawings with a LED flashlight with different gels on it. It took a long time to get the process down; any light from Colleen's strobe that didn't fall directly on me would hit the wall and overpower the other flashes, making me look transparent. In the end I think that we were successful, thanks mainly to Colleen's uncanny ability to perfectly aim a strobe and put up with my spasticity.


colleenmcdevitt said...

you're giving me much to much credit... it was all you! glad we were partners, this was a fun assignment!